"Dialogue journals and second grade English language learners: how does" by Jennifer Barrett

Dialogue journals and second grade English language learners: how does providing additional scaffolding through dialogue journals affect student writing success?





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This capstone researches the use of dialogue journals as a scaffolding technique to support high need second grade English language learners' (ELL) writing. The specific writing needs of ELLs are discussed, along with Kendall and Khuon's best practices for the teaching of writing to ELLs, offering support for the use of dialogue journals with high need ELLs. Documentation of two students' dialogue journals over a period of four months were analyzed under the best practice framework. Results of the research indicate that once specific steps are taken to effectively establish a dialogue journal group, positive results are seen in student writing. When the written dialogue between teacher and student is combined with small group instruction, one-to-one conferencing, and teacher modeling, the benefit on student writing increases.

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