The effects of collaboration on teachers





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This capstone addresses the effects of collaboration on teachers' collegial relationships, job performance, and job satisfaction. It explores the various ways in which teachers work with one another and discusses the circumstances under which such collaboration proves beneficial for teachers and students. Key influences included the author's own experiences in teaching, in particular a reform within her school district mandating that teachers work collaboratively in small learning communities (SLCs), as well as works by authors such as Little, van Wessum, Nias, Achinstein, and Rosenholtz. The research method was qualitative in nature and consisted of a survey given to six teachers participating in the SLCs in the author's school. The survey assessed the general perceptions of collaboration and its effects on these teachers. The teachers reported that they found the collaboration within the SLCs to be a positive experience overall and that they particularly appreciated the opportunities to discuss student problems.

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