"Adult Educator Views On Impact And Learner Fit In Integrated Digital E" by Peter Gray


Peter Gray


Fall 2021



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Andreas Schramm

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Monika Gadek-Stephan


The Integrated Digital English Acceleration (I-DEA) teaching method uses a Flipped Classroom (FC) design to fast-track the English Language Acquisition (ELA) and digital literacy skills development of adults enrolled at Community and Technical Colleges (CTCs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in the United States. I-DEA projects and programs are in various stages of implementation throughout the U.S., but few accounts of the method’s impact on teaching and learning and fit for adult English language learners (ELLs) have been published. I-DEA is a “flipped” (blended) instructional delivery method for Adult Basic Education (ABE). Evaluation of its impact and fit contributes to the literature on Flipped Classrooms, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and Integrated Education and Training (IET). To evaluate the I-DEA method’s impact and fit, an online questionnaire was administered to current and former I-DEA instructors in the United States. Respondents (n=8) provided Likert scale ratings of agreement or disagreement, along with written responses to explain their rating selections. Instructors overwhelmingly agreed that the I-DEA method’s FC design has helped students acquire English at a faster pace than they would in non-I-DEA classes. Support for the method’s learner fit was not as robust: Fifty percent of the sample group voiced concerns about the linguistic complexity of its lessons for beginners (NRS 1 & 2). The results of this small-scale, mixed-methods study provide evidence to support claims about the I-DEA method’s impact, while raising new questions about its fit for adult ELL beginners. Our findings suggest that the Flipped Classroom may be most impactful and suitable for English learners in High Beginner (NRS 3) classrooms. Modifications to IDEA lessons are recommended for classrooms with NRS 1 and 2 level students. Further study, including action research in I-DEA classrooms, is recommended.

Research Methodology

Descriptive Statistics, Program Evaluation, Survey (attitude scale, opinion, questionnaire)


Adult Education, ESL/ ELLs, Teachers/ Teaching, Technology








School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
