"The Aspect Hypothesis And Its Application In The Comprehension Of Perf" by Collin Klagmann


Summer 2018



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Andreas Schramm

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Jonna Meidal & Dean Reasoner

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Jamison & Jessica Klagmann


The motivating factor for this research was to determine if predictive meaning-based tenets of the Aspect Hypothesis can be applied to the comprehension of perfective telic and imperfective atelic situations, and to assess the role lexical aspect plays in the attribution of perfective –ed to telic and imperfective –ing to atelic predicates for English language learners in WIDA proficiency Levels 2, 3, 4 and Exited. Student’s preference for aspectual attribution, and ability to notice completedness were measured. Results suggest that the perfective is more salient in a telic context, and is therefore acquired first. However, the salience of the imperfective –ing does not seem to be impacted by context, and all students showed avoidance of attributing the imperfective to an atelic context. English language learners may produce specific linguistic constructions prior to comprehending them, and the acquisition of perfective and imperfective grammatical forms does not necessarily track linearly across WIDA levels.

Research Methodology

Quantitative, Forced-choice Protocol


ESL/ ELLs, Teachers/ Teaching, Second Language Acquisition, Tense-Aspect Morphology

Included in

Education Commons
