"Minnesota Female Principals From Historically Dominated Cultures In Th" by Alejandra Estrada-Burt


Summer 2018



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Joyce Bell

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Barbara Devlin

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Thomas Hoffman


The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways in which ethnicity, gender and race impact the leadership identity of women of color who self-identify as belonging to the one of the four largest racial groups in the United States. A study was conducted on leadership identity survey and intensive interviews to answer the following: “Minnesota female principals from United States historically dominated cultures: What are their perceptions of how ethnicity, gender and race have impacted their leadership identity?” Fifteen participants completed a leadership identity survey and 13 of the 15 participants completed an intensive interview. Once data was collected grounded theory methods were employed to examine, evaluate and cross examine both data sets. The research process was examined to find the perceptions and real lived experiences of women of color currently working in Minnesota PK-12 principalship and explore how ethnicity, gender and race have shaped and formed their leadership identity.

Research Methodology

Grounded Theory



Included in

Education Commons
