"How Do Educators Avoid Teacher Burnout?" by Rebecca Hibbard


Spring 2018



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jeffrey Fink

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Kathleen Kane

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Kaci Guthrie


Chronic stress can lead to burnout in teachers, causing teachers to leave the profession prematurely. In the face of the stress of teaching, some educators burnout while others thrive. By looking to teachers who effectively seem to avoid burnout, this study examined the question: How do educators avoid teacher burnout? A review of the literature related to teacher burnout revealed the roles that both environmental (external) and personal (internal) factors play in teacher burnout and included strategies for how teachers and teacher leaders can respond to symptoms of burnout. This study utilized an initial survey to identify participants for follow-up interviews. A total of 39 teachers responded to the initial survey, and 5 total teachers - including 2 comparison cases - participated in follow-up interviews. Teacher interviews paralleled the findings in the literature review related to depersonalization, mindsets, perceptions, and passion; no divergence nor new findings were discovered.

Research Methodology



Teachers/ Teaching, Burnout, Retention, Sustainability

Included in

Education Commons
