"How Can Embedded Grammar Instruction Support Student Writing?" by Lucia Marincel


Spring 2018



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Susan Manikowski

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Malin Kerwin

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Abigail Klein


This paper seeks to answer the question, how can grammar instruction embedded into Writer’s Workshop help both ELs and non-ELs meet the Common Core State Standards for language conventions? Using a Functional Linguistic Model, the author designed Writing Workshop grammar lessons based on three Language Conventions from the Common Core State Standards, using adverbs, creating compound sentences, and forming contractions. The author then taught these conventions through the workshop model and analyzed the use of these structures before and after the teaching through the use a rubric score of the pretest and test. The study included a mixed method approach, using both quantitative and qualitative data. The results, implications and potential next steps are then discussed.

Research Methodology

Student writing samples


ESL/ ELLs, Writing, Writer’s Workshop, Grammar Instruction

Included in

Education Commons
