"Effective Note-Taking Strategies In The High School Math Classroom" by Michael Swenson


Spring 2018



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

James Brickwedde, Ph.D.

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Maria Tol

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Megan Loahr


The research question addressed in this action was, how can I implement effective note-taking strategies to improve my students’ performance on assessments? It details how one teacher implements Cornell notes and Foldables over the course of one trimester in two different Algebra 2 classes. A mixed methods approach was used to better understand effects of each strategy on three unit exams, three vocabulary quizzes, student surveys, and six student interviews. He describes the effects of each strategy on student achievement and concludes that: 1) Cornell notes and Foldables did improve student achievement on unit exams with Cornell notes showing higher test score averages; 2) Cornell notes and Foldables did improve student achievement on vocabulary quizzes with Foldables showing higher vocabulary quiz averages.

Research Methodology

Action Research


Achievement, Grades/ Student Performance, Mathematics, Reflective Practice

Included in

Education Commons
