"Teaching Math Academic Language In Chinese Immersion Middle Schools" by Xu Zhu


Spring 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Michelle Benegas

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Wenjuan Wang

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

En Lee


The guiding question of this capstone is: How should teachers teach math academic language and support students using math academic language in Chinese immersion middle schools? Academic language is the language that students need in acquiring new knowledge, while teachers in language immersion schools need help with teaching academic language. This capstone presents a curriculum project to guide teachers in Chinese immersion middle schools to teach math academic language with a concentration on students’ communication and collaboration. Integrating the ideas in the studies of academic language, language immersion education, teaching middle school math, and student-centered learning, the project plays a supplemental role to the standard math curriculum that pays more attention to mathematical concepts and procedures. The four parts of the project include regrouped benchmarks in Minnesota academic standards in mathematics, core vocabulary and mathematical representations with their corresponding Chinese characters and pin yin, frequently used academic language functions in math and their corresponding Chinese characters and pin yin, and strategies of in-class discussion and questioning.

Research Methodology

Curriculum Development


Curriculum, Foreign Language, Literacy, Mathematics

Included in

Education Commons
