"The Impact Of Racial Equity Coaching On White Educators’ Personal Grow" by Gretchen Baglyos


Spring 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jennifer Carlson

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Joy Esboldt

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Prachee Mukherjee


The author’s research inquiry was: How does racial equity coaching impact White educators’ personal growth and professional practice? This originated from the fact that White educators comprised the majority of Minnesota’s teaching force, and, therefore, bore great responsibility for eliminating racial achievement disparities between White students and students of color. Racial equity coaching personally impacted participants by increasing their racial consciousness, equipping them with tools for racial discourse, motivating them to initiate race-based conversations, and strengthening their voices in the struggle for racial equity. Professionally, racial equity coaching impacted participants by increasing their will to disrupt patterns of systemic racism, encouraging them to examine the presence of Whiteness in institutional structures, pushing them to seek multiple racial perspectives, and guiding them to move through their avoidance to act as interrupters of racial inequity. Results confirm the power of racial equity coaching to transform White educators’ beliefs and professional practice.

Research Methodology

Action Research


Racial Equity, Coaching White Educators
