"Exploring How Peer Feedback Affects Achievement and Mindset in the Mid" by Katie Bacon


Summer 7-21-2002



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jason Miller

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Michael Hasapopoulos

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Leah Dussault


This action research project investigated the role of peer feedback on achievement and mindset in two 7 th grade art classes. The students participated in a six-week study that occurred during two different units of study. Students received direct instruction on growth versus fixed mindset based on Dweck’s research, as well as instruction on what feedback is and how to provide it. Data was collected through pre- and post-surveys, classroom observation, and student artifacts, such as peer review sheets and photographs of student work. The findings showed that participating in the feedback cycle with peers resulted in a greater trust in the students’ ability to help each other succeed, led to higher achievement in the art room, and helped students realize their own potential for growth.

Research Methodology

Action Research, Observation, Survey


Achievement, Art Education, Feedback

Included in

Education Commons
