"How scaffolded guided reading instruction impacts the growth and confi" by Amber Palony

How scaffolded guided reading instruction impacts the growth and confidence of ELL males in a gender based classroom





Degree Name



Guided reading is an important component of a balanced literacy program and crucial in providing instruction to meet the needs of English Language Learners. In order to provide the best instruction for the students' needs, the author sought to answer the research question: How does scaffolded guided reading instruction impact the growth and confidence of ELL males in a gender based classroom? For this capstone project, she chose three third grade boys, who are English Language Learners, to participate in the daily guided reading block. During this small group instruction, she scaffolded the third grade reading curriculum to meet the needs of these students. She tracked their comprehension growth on weekly quizzes and a pre-and post-assessment administered during group. In addition to tracking student growth, she also administered student interviews to assess students' confidence before and after the implementation of the small group scaffolded instruction.

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