"A framework of professional development for front line staff" by Joson Roberta Tims

A framework of professional development for front line staff





Degree Name



Despite the research on effective professional development for teachers, little is known about developing non-licensed educators or Front Line Staff. The literature review pinpoints the need for professional development to focus on collegiality, collaboration opportunities with peers and reflect on current and past practice. This action research focuses on one group's perspective on creating an effective framework through qualitative whole group survey, small group survey and interviews with bus drivers varied in experience. An analysis of these tools yielded the drivers' own desires, citing the need for more time to collaborate with peers in like positions, restructure learning opportunities into small group settings, and use mentoring to solidify and reinforce best practices. Future studies will focus on the modification of the framework for delivery of continuing education to front line staff. This work increases our understanding of how we will improve the use of best practices within our training.

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