"Pursuing academic literacy for English language learners in the commun" by Jan McFall




Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name



This study focused on content-based instruction at the post-secondary level and the acquisition of academic literacy for students in that setting. A language support model located on a university campus was studied through on-site observations, curriculum overview, and faculty interviews in order to see which of its components could be adapted for the community college setting. Key influences included authors such as Kasper, Brinton, Harklau, Losey, and Siegal as well as the faculty of the language support model being studied. The results of the study suggest that there is still a need for assessment that accurately places English language learners into post-secondary courses, an institution-wide approach for teaching English language learners at the post-secondary level, content-based and linked curricula for English language learners, and tracking of former students who have been in English language programs for non-native speakers in order to determine their rate of success.
