"What factors influence the academic success of Liberian high school st" by Jane Lang




Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name



The purpose of this study was to determine if trauma, resilience, or acculturation are factors in the academic achievement of Liberian high school students. Four Liberian English Language Learners (two boys, two girls) were selected, based upon grade point average and scores on the Minnesota Basic Skills Tests. Student participants were interviewed and recorded by videotape, audiotape, and transcription. Their teachers completed a questionnaire regarding each student's behavior, attitude, and performance. Findings indicated that childhood trauma had no significant effect on achievement ability. Students displaying higher levels of individual attributes, positive use of time, family influence, and school enjoyment appeared more resilient and more successful. There was no correlation between attendance and grades. Acculturative stress was minimal for those with parents already living in the U.S. Top performers dealt better with changes in Liberian peer relationships, comparisons to African Americans, and English language variations. Suggestions for teachers are included.
