"Should grades show students' academic achievements or include other no" by Samantha C. Sackett

Should grades show students' academic achievements or include other non-academic factors?





Degree Name



The research question addressed is, should grades show students' academic achievements or include other non-academic factors? It documents one teacher's experience with different grading practices and how that affected her in her academic career and now as a teacher. This Capstone details the purpose of a grade and what factors should be included in a grade. There are recommendations for different grading scales and practices influenced by Rick Womeli, Ken O'Connor, and Thomas Guskey. The research methods of the teacher are clearly stated and compare students' grades with academic and non-academic factors. The main focus of this Capstone is to tell why and how non-academic achievement should be recoded separately as to ensure a student's grade is an accurate measure of their achievement with a specific subject. .

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