Characteristics of Adult Learners and effective staff development to consider when creating and implementing a staff development plan for Title 1 staff





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The research question addressed in this project was, what are the characteristics of adult learners and effective staff development to consider when planning and implementing a staff development plan for Title I staff? In the fall of 2013 the author was faced with the task of training four new Title I teachers. The goal of the training was to teach staff research-based reading interventions enabling them to implement these interventions with fidelity. The staff development plan included three components, training, PLCs and fidelity checks. The plan included the characteristics of effective staff development: the goal is student achievement teachers need to be active learners and effective staff development takes time. Title I teachers rated the staff development as very effective. Influential authors/researchers included: Aurthur Costa, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Dufour. Bruce Joyce, Emily Calhoun, Douglas Reeves and Dennis Sparks.

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