"The achievement gap in mathematics: income, language and gender differ" by Julie Tennessen

The achievement gap in mathematics: income, language and gender differences in an elementary two-way bilingual program





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This study was conducted in a two-way bilingual elementary school in the upper Midwest using second through fifth grade MAP math test scores and a short, closed-ended survey. The MAP math test scores from 188 students were used to identify and measure achievement gaps between language, income and gender differences in a student body that consists of a balanced population of 50 percent Spanish-dominant and 50 percent English-dominant students. Also 156 second through fifth grade participants completed surveys to identify potential factors that may contribute to the achievement gaps. MAP test score results show evidence of several achievement gaps: English-dominant students outperform Spanish-dominant students higher-income students out score lower-income students and male students surpass their female counterparts within their language-dominant subgroups. Survey results were less conclusive, but showed a tendency for English-dominant males to be more confident and better supported than Spanish-dominant females who communicated the least confidence and support.

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