What is an appropriate level of parental support for student-athletes that benefits all participants?
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The research questioned is, what is an appropriate level of parental support for student-athletes that benefits all participants? Coaching is a profession where job turnover is high, because of the frustration of coaches and their relationships with the student-athletes' parents. In order to better understand the view points of all parties involved in athletics, the author was compelled to survey parents, student-athletes and coaches to better understand their motivations. Key influences included former and current student-athletes along with coaching colleagues and experts such as, Cumming, Ewing, Ogle, Gehring, Crawford and Cohn. The study included surveying parents, student-athletes, and coaches and graphing the results to look for common trends or discrepancies. The author planned to use this information as a guide for coaching and/or parenting a student-athlete.
Recommended Citation
Larson, Reed, "What is an appropriate level of parental support for student-athletes that benefits all participants?" (2009). School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations. 2202.