"I don't want to read! : how can reading motivation of elementary urban" by Angela Marie Imdieke

I don't want to read! : how can reading motivation of elementary urban learners be enhanced by classroom practice?





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Having strong literacy skills is a critical key to student success, especially for urban learners. The author modified her instruction in her two small leveled reading groups to enhance the reading motivation of her urban learners. The literature review provides background on the Urban Learner Framework, motivational theories, and strategies for fostering reading motivation with an emphasis on applies motivational strategies with the Urban Learner Framework. The study examined how the author developed stronger relationships with her students by using an interest inventory, Motivation to Read Survey and goal-setting conference. By creating motivating book introductions, used alternative and multicultural texts and provided choice, the author adjusted her instructional practices and materials to develop student motivation. Overall, alternative texts and book introductions with hands-on activities were highly motivating activities to her students.

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