"How do I as a classroom teacher create a classroom management system t" by Lynne M. Sherry

How do I as a classroom teacher create a classroom management system that values the social behaviors and needs of African American males in the primary grades





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The research question addressed in this project is, How can a primary teacher to create a classroom management plan that values the social behaviors and needs of African American males in the primary grades? The motivation for this capstone was a first grade classroom struggling with five African American Boys who accounted for 95% of the behavior problems within that classroom. The author details the different thoughts on classroom management as well as what makes boys unique inside and outside the classroom, and what is important to the African American culture. The curriculum model the author uses in the development of this classroom management plan is Understanding by Design by McTighe and Higgins. The author develops a comprehensive classroom management plan that connects classroom management best practices with the needs of African American boy.

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