"How can a grading system be developed that supports motivation for mid" by Tyler W. Livingston

How can a grading system be developed that supports motivation for middle school student achievement in writing?





Degree Name



The research question is: how can a grading system be developed that supports motivation for middle school achievement in writing? It documents one teacher's frustration with traditional grading of writing and his intent to discover alternative methods of grading, offering feedback and managing data that may increase student achievement. Key influences included the 6 Traits of Writing, Stiggins, Marzano, Wiggins, O'Connor, Guskey, Bailey, Black, Wiliam, Bandura, Locke, Arter, Lane, and advisors Schroeder-Erkens and Hoffman. Following a literature review of assessment, grading, motivation, writing, and self-efficacy, I conducted an action research project. In a diverse English 7 classroom I modified the assessment climate in ways that support student achievement and I incorporated a topics-based grading system. The results suggest topics-based grading better tracks achievement and improved assessment climate can increase motivation to achieve in English.

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