"Culturally Responsive Curriculum: Third Grade Dual Language Immersion " by Katherine Elizabeth Jacques


Spring 5-5-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Barbara Swanson

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Emily Kraus

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Alia Morales Towns


While there is a growing body of research about best practice teaching in the dual language immersion setting as well as how to structure culturally responsive instruction, there is far less research that connects the dual language immersion model with culturally responsive mathematics instruction. This capstone primarily seeks to demonstrate how cooperative learning strategies, culturally responsive instructional techniques and the response to intervention and curriculum-based measurement model can be used to develop a math fractions unit for third-grade bilingual students in the dual language immersion setting. This study describes the components of dual language immersion, establishes the existence of racial inequities in the school system, describes methods for creating a culturally responsive classroom, and also describes assessment methods in mathematics instruction. After describing each of the previous components, the capstone presents a fractions mathematics unit for third grade students, integrating culturally responsive and dual language appropriate methods and practices in the curriculum.


Curriculum, Mathematics, dual language education, culturally responsive instruction

Included in

Education Commons
