Honors Projects from 2013
An Examination of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Laws within the United States, Allison J. Capaul
Karen Students’ Social and Academic Experiences in Minnesota K-12 Schools, Margaret A. Crenshaw
Normalizing the Deviance: The Creation, Politics, and Consumption of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities in Online Fan Communities, Dianna M. Fielding
With This Ring, I Thee Control: Legal Constructions of Feminine Identity in Bleak House and The Fellowship of the Ring, Angela E. Lesnak
The Origins of the Artists: A Lithic Analysis of a Habitation Site Associated with the Jeffers Petroglyphs, Kevin W. Reider
Bioinformatic and Functional Analysis of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate (ACC)- Deaminase Homologues in Strains of Sinorhizobium, Alyssa L. Renn
Excitation Optimization of a Standard LRC Circuit with Impulsive Forces Selected via Simulated Annealing, Ryan M. Spies