Engaging Students through Movement and Individualized Technology


Fall 12-15-2014



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Dan Loritz

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Jodi Nelson

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Laura Welciek


The research question addressed is, can the use of video games played on individual technological devices be an effective way to engage students and individualize learning? If so, is it possible to implement this type of teaching into classrooms? The motivating factor for this capstone was the struggle to engage and meet the varied and individual needs of all students during whole-class instruction. This capstone examines two nontraditional teaching strategies: 1) movement and 2) technology, to better engage students. Participants viewed a short film, showing a teacher who implemented video games into his classroom, and then completed a survey pertaining to the use of technology in the classroom. One hundred percent of the participants believed video games were an engaging tool, yet only 41% could envision teaching this way on a full scale. However, 96% could see implementing video games on a small scale, such as in a center or small group.


Brain-based Learning, Learning Styles, Technology

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