


Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name



This study seeks to determine how the development of prosodic reading skills differs among second-grade English learners and native speakers as a result of a Readers Theatre program. Understanding how students with diverse backgrounds learn to read can help teachers differentiate instruction to meet their students' academic needs. Key influences include peers, former and current students, teacher and researcher, Ann Daly, and authors such as Anthony, Schwanenflugel, and Swain. The action research method was used. Pre- and post-test data were collected and observational data were recorded during the three instructional cycles. Three English learners and three native speakers participated in the testing and observational portion of the study, while an entire class of 26 second-graders participated in the lessons and Readers Theatre performances. All participants made improvements in prosodic reading with English learners improving more in timing, and native speakers making more improvements in stress and intonation.
