Responses of content-area teachers to best-practice reading strategies





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The research question addressed is, what are the responses of content-area teachers to using best practice reading strategies? This capstone documents three teachers' responses to using reading strategies in the following classrooms: American Studies, Science, and Communications. Key influences included peers and researchers such as Beers, Zwiers, Allen, etc. The research method was a case study the author documented interviews from the teachers. Strategies included were implementing effective vocabulary instruction, activating background knowledge, and making inferences. Examples of materials used were semantic maps, cloze passages, logographic clues, KWL, ABC's of comparing and contrasting, and young adult books. The results were that independent reading levels among students need to be considered in content-area classes, and teachers need consistency with the use of reading terminology and graphic organizers, as well as proper training in the area of reading instruction, including the development of lessons and strategies.

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