SPED7089-01.Intro to Shaken Baby Syndrome.F14.Brown,Jerrod
Document Type
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Section
Course Title
Intro to Shaken Baby Syndrome
Academic Term and Year
Fall 2014
Course Description
Abusive Head Trauma/Shaken Baby Syndrome is a traumatic brain injury in infants and young children that is the result of child abuse. It is also the leading cause of death and long term disability for infants/young children and over half of the survivors will enter the educational system with complex educational needs. This introductory course will address the cause, warning signs, risk factors, and outcomes associated with it. An understanding of the medical aspects of the mechanism of injury and diagnosis process will be explained as well as family/caregiver impact and family grief/loss issues over the child's lifespan. Since a significant number of shaken baby syndrome survivors will enter the classroom with behavior disorders, we will also discuss tools such as functional behavior assessment and use of positive behavior intervention and supports to get the most out of evidence based behavioral interventions. The course will conclude with an overview of prevention strategies, associated Minnesota laws, and Minnesota child abuse/neglect mandatory reporting laws. A list of additional resources and information will be provided to utilize beyond this course. NOTE: This course is required for completion of the Traumatic Brain Injury Certificate.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Jerrod, "SPED7089-01.Intro to Shaken Baby Syndrome.F14.Brown,Jerrod" (2014). Historic Syllabi -- full text access limited to internal Hamline administrative staff only. 9078.