
Summer 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jeffery Fink

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Heather Richins

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Jodie Bias


The research question addressed in this project is, what can one learn by measuring assessments two ways: traditional grading scale versus standards-based grading method? The author was greatly influenced by her use of the two different grading methods at two different schools. She documents her experiences with both and then compares the outcomes of grading the same assessments using the two methods. Guskey’s extensive research on the subject and Douglas Reeve’s book Ahead of the Curve: The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning (2001) guided the author’s creation of a standards-based rubric with which she graded tests that had first been graded using a traditional grading scale. This led the author to conclude that while there are students who benefit greatly from the use of the standards-based scale, more research is still necessary to determine the grading method that most accurately measures student knowledge and understanding.

Research Methodology

Action Research


Grades/ Student Performance

Included in

Education Commons
