How elevated teacher expectations are transformative and how they can impact the perceptions of African American students in a way that can facilitate achievement for individual students of color





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The research question addressed through this capstone is, how are elevated teacher expectations transformative and how can they impact the perceptions of African American students in a way that can facilitate achievement for individual students of color? This capstone explores the interaction of teacher expectations for students of color with their academic development and achievement. Specifically addressed is the importance of teachers developing the types of beliefs, visions, and corresponding expectations that will transform their teaching style and instructional methods in a way that affords every student the opportunity to achieve to their fullest potential. When expectations are elevated and supported by correct beliefs and views of students, students of color, particularly African Americans can experience positive outcomes for growth and development. The development of a teacher awareness curriculum completes this project, targeting pre-service teachers through an informative, reflective, and interactive approach.

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