How African American parents' perspectives improve our schools for African American children





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This capstone analyzes African American parents' perspectives of what is happening to their children in schools. These perspectives can guide teachers and administrators in providing equitable education for African American children. The author was motivated to pursue this project from her experiences as an urban teacher and from the experiences her own African American child endured in two urban schools. In the review of literature, James Comer, Beatrice Fennimore, Asa Hilliard, Alfie Kohn, Jonathon Kozol, Floraline Stevens, and Belinda Williams emerged as leaders in equitable education for African American children. This study was based on interviews from parents of African American children attending an urban school district. Results concluded that parents expect teachers to have high expectations of their children, communication between school and families and teachers have cultural competence along with the implementation of strategies that motivate children and teach to the variety of learning styles children possess.

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