Capstone/Thesis Title

Pillar 13


Summer 7-8-2018

Upload Type

Restricted Access Thesis

Primary Advisor/Thesis Chair

Nina LaCour

Degree Name



Ridley is an orphaned teen, growing up in Pillar 13. She remembers little of her parents and believes that they have left the pillar ten years ago by government order on a mission to see if the outside world is safe enough to live in. Ridley has done her best to grow up fast and survive on her own, from having her own apartment, buying her own food, and getting a job from a local mechanic named Maxine (Max). One day, she meets an image of her mom, Morrigan, in an abandoned VR room that tells her that if she can find a way out of the pillar, she and her father will be waiting for her. Her mother says that she and her father are alive, outside of the pillar and implores Ridley to join them. Ridley sets off on a journey to figure out how she can leave the pillar to rejoin with her family. We follow Ridley on this journey and watch her struggle to figure out how she can escape. At the same time, we see how her relationship with Max grows and becomes a sort of surrogate family for her. This makes Ridley question whether she’s willing to leave the pillar for her own family that may or may not be there, or stay in the pillar with a new family that wants her to be part of their life.


Sci fi / fantasy, Graphic novel

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.








Creative Writing Program
