
Summer 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Marcia Rockwood

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Michele Vosberg

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Josh Sinram


The research question addressed in this project was, How can the teaching of effective writing practices support struggling intermediate students? This study documented the experience of an intervention coach working with fifth grade teachers to improve writing instruction using research based practices. The motivating factor for this capstone was to improve student writing. The study documented lessons and resources that were implemented during the teaching of three fifth grade writing standards and how students improved in their writing. Data was collected through the use of proficiency scales, spreadsheets, reflections and surveys. Results of the study showed student growth in writing. Teachers looking to improve student writing through effective whole group instruction, may benefit from this research.

Research Methodology

Action Research, Curriculum Development, Program Evaluation, Survey (attitude scale, opinion, questionnaire)


Curriculum, Literacy, Reflective Practice, Writing

Included in

Education Commons
