
Fall 12-7-2016



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Dr. William D. Keilty

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Leah Sedler

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Kristin Moore


The research question addressed in this project was: In what ways can I develop a social studies unit plan that fosters Habits of Mind as learning outcomes and integrates strategies that will positively impact student engagement? The author began her research by investigating the topic of student engagement and instructional strategies promoted by the National Urban Alliance to enhance student engagement. The author also investigated Habits of Mind and the writings of Costa and Kallick. The unit plan was designed using the Understanding by Design Model from Wiggins and McTighe. The result of the research was a social studies unit plan comprised of three lessons designed for a high school World History course. The unit plan incorporates instructional strategies intended to enhance student engagement. The unit plan also identifies Habits of Mind as desired outcomes for student learning.

Research Methodology

Curriculum Development


At-risk Students, Curriculum, Teachers/ Teaching, Social Studies

Included in

Education Commons
