"Using a Therapeutic Music Curriculum to Improve the Social and Academi" by Kimberly Kay Wooster


Summer 8-10-2016



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Susan Manikowski

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Natasha Thomas

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Anita Crosby


This paper addresses the possibility of improving the academic and social outcomes of students with optic nerve hypoplasia/septo optic dysplasia through the use of a therapeutic music curriculum. Students with these conditions are born with blind or with visual challenges and in the case of septo optic dysplasia are also born with behavioral and physical challenges, including austistic-like traits. By exploring the literature and research available in the use of therapeutic music in improving the academic and social outcomes of young students with autism, I was encouraged to create a therapeutic music curriculum to implement in classrooms from K-3rd grade for students with ONH/SOD. An assessment is included to assist teachers, staff and parents in evaluating the success of the use of music in helping improve the academic and social outcomes of students with ONH/SOD.

Research Methodology

Curriculum Development


Curriculum, Music, Special Education

Included in

Education Commons
