What is an effective research support curricular framework for physical science instruction that nurtures talent in high school students?





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The research question addressed is what is an effective research supported curricular frame work for physical science instruction that nurtures talent in high school students? The motivating factor for this capstone what the work I was doing with curriculum writing. The school I was working at was utilizing the Parallel Curriculum Model (PCM) to create continuity among teachers, classes and a more rigorous course load. I found myself drawn to PCM because it gave us a common vocabulary as teachers. This capstone details the PCM along with the work of other professionals in the area of curriculum and education detailing what high quality education can be. The outcome of this capstone is an introductory physical science physics unit on motion and forces. The unit demonstrates the use of all four parallels: core, practitioner, identity and connections. The unit demonstrates how PCM can be incorporated into instruction.

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