The role of motivation in the application and transfer of comprehension strategies





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This capstone addresses two research questions: 1) How do the motivational factors of self-efficacy and task value perception influence students' ability to apply comprehension strategies independently to reading-related tasks? 2) How can teachers use coaching to help students transfer the reading comprehension strategies learned in Title I across educational experiences? It documents the results of a reading comprehension intervention provided to fourth-grade students. The intervention was based on the Reciprocal Teaching model developed by Palincsar and Brown. Additional influences include researchers such as Pressley and Block. In addition to implementing the Reciprocal Teaching framework, the researcher provided coaching to help students self-regulate their strategy use and increase their self-efficacy and task value perceptions. The author reports the effects of the intervention and describes the effects of coaching on students' self-efficacy, task value perceptions, and ability to transfer the strategies they learned to their independent reading.

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