The Most Effective Grouping Configurations to Produce the Highest Level of Student Engagement in Elementary English Language Learners


Summer 8-14-2014



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Elizabeth Will

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Anne DeMuth

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Mel Muller


The research question addressed in this project was, what is the most effective grouping configuration that produces the highest level of student engagement in elementary English language learners? This capstone details the importance of student engagement in order to reach full potential in academic achievement by focusing on one key strategy of student engagement: grouping configurations. Elementary school students in this English as a Second Language classroom were observed during a two-week time period doing various tasks in specific grouping configurations. The author used an observation checklist to identify behaviors which indicate engagement within a grouping configuration. Additional data was collected through notes and student feedback. Each of these methods was used to identify that these English language learners were most engaged while working with one or two other people. One key finding from the research found that students work better when they can collaborate and socialize with other students.



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