Reading activities: parents are essential in bringing reading into the daily lives of their children





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This capstone is about my journey in reading, the importance and benefits of reading and how families can help their children become readers. I can remember greatly enjoying read aloud time as a child. However, I fell out of the habit of reading as an adult. When I had a child of my own, I read to him daily. As I prepared my son for kindergarten, I learned about the benefits of read aloud and other reading activities. Most of the knowledge I acquired about reading I gained from Jim Trelease and then Mem Fox. Other authors in the literature review confirmed their expertise. I used a survey to gather information from parents. My goal was to discover the frequency with which families engage in the reading activities recommended by the experts in the literature review. Overall, the families in my study reported they were able to engage in reading activities on a regular basis and although there were obstacles, my survey participants commented on the joy, bonding, wonder and wisdom that reading brought into their lives.

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