Exploring the Effectiveness of an Ecoadventure trip as an Environmental Education Tool


Spring 5-8-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Renee Wonser

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Bryan Wood

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Andrew Wold


The research topic addressed in this project is exploring the effectiveness of an ecoadventure trip as an environmental education tool. The study focused on several ecoadventure whitewater rafting trips. Data was collected from 100 participants of various ages and educational backgrounds via pre and post trip surveys. The key influence for this capstone was the work of Kimmel (1999), who proposed the idea of ecotourism as an environmental education tool. The results focus on any measurable differences or attitude changes towards the local environment. The findings illuminate ways in which the participant’s environmental awareness may have been affected from the ecoadventure experience, explores ways to implement environmental education into an ecoadventure trip, and the importance of adventure, environmental, and experiential education to reach the general public. The results show that an ecoadventure is a promising environmental education tool.


Environmental Studies, Physical Education, Science, Adventure education

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